Posts tagged making is therapy
Make Tiny Changes - How Vanilla Ink can make a difference

Following on from World Mental Health Awareness day on the 10th of October we invited one of students Sophie to write a blog post for us on how Jewellery making has helped her find her passion and purpose in life after battling with her mental health over the years.

Every class and piece of jewellery you commission Vanilla Ink enables us to help people like Sophie. We are a Community Interest Company and a not for profit organisation, money is reinvested in Vanilla Ink and allows us to offer classes at a subsidised rate or for free. Read Sophies beautiful story here.

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The Great Pretender - How autistic masking affects my life

Do you know that way when you feel a little bit cheated over something? Like when you saw something advertised and it really, really didn’t look like it was supposed to? Remember that winter wonderland park that Lawrence Llewelyn-Bowen opened a few years ago which was just full of elves sitting around smoking ciggies or pushing broken trains up a hill? That kind of thing. Or when Michael Douglas’ character gets really pissed of that his Whammy Burger doesn’t look like the picture on the menu in the classic ‘Falling Down’? That’s kind of how I feel. I’ve been misled, swindled, downright CHEATED, sir! I want my money back. What am I so bitter about? Well, it’s life, dumbass! This ain’t what it’s supposed to be. I want a refund, can I speak to a manager, please?

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